name;ref_id;#English;Reading;Writing;#Math;Algebra;Calculus;#Arts;Music;Drawing James A;J1001;;B+;A+#Need more practice on curly sentence writing.; ;B+#Has good understanding of Linear theory.;AA#Numeric analytical skill are good, could work on improvement.; ;A+#Have good understanding of musical notes.;B+#Getting started on canvas works, need more focus. James B;J1002;;A+#Need more practice on curly sentence writing.;B+; ;AA+#Has good understanding of Linear theory.;BB#Numeric analytical skill are good, could work on improvement.; ;A+#Have good understanding of musical notes.;B+#Getting started on canvas works, need more focus. Bala S;VDP5001;;A+#Need more practice on curly sentence writing.;B+; ;AA+#Has good understanding of Linear theory.;BB#Numeric analytical skill are good, could work on improvement.; ;A+#Have good understanding of musical notes.;B+#Getting started on canvas works, need more focus. Adam S;VDP5002;;A+#Need more practice on curly sentence writing.;B+; ;AA+#Has good understanding of Linear theory.;BB#Numeric analytical skill are good, could work on improvement.; ;A+#Have good understanding of musical notes.;B+#Getting started on canvas works, need more focus.